b'L ife Moves ForwardAt Orchard Ridge, youll find a robust and vibrant lifestyle, no matter if youre attending community events at the amenity center or spending quality time at home. Our residents Photos Top to Bottom: Capturing one of many photo ops at Orchard Ridge, Michael Starnes at 7,900are discovering joy in the everyday; during their afternoon strolls, while exploring the Hill feet in Afghanistan. Welcome home and thank you for your service! Hill Country flowers & sunset,Country or when having family fun time indoors. No matter the space between us, were Daddy-daughter time at the Community Garden, Surprise visitors at our Splash Bash event, Red- staying connected with our loved ones. We are stronger as a community and together, winged blackbird.were still moving, still working and still living our best lives at Orchard Ridge.For more details on our upcoming eventsOr follow us on social: @OrchardRidgeLifevisit LiveOrchardRidge.comLiveOrchardRidge.comMaterials are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. All rights in these materials are reserved. All products and company names marked as trademarked () or registered () are trademarks of their respective holders. Copying, reproduction and distribution of materials without prior written100 Orchard Park Drive, Liberty Hill, TX 78642consent of Freehold Communities is strictly prohibited. All information, and plans are subject to change without notice. This information does not represent a specific offer of sale or solicitation to purchase property within Orchard Ridge. Images do not reflect racial preference. 512.515.3851'